Mar 30, 2008

Speed Test

How fast are you? I tried it when my friend, Chyi introduced in his blog. He can type 99 words per minute. My highest record just can type 49 words per minute. I'm sure that you can type faster than me.

47 words

Mar 25, 2008

My Laptop had been stolen

24 March 2008 - is a sad day for me and my friend, Dezmond because our laptops had been stolen.

When I'm back from the class at 4.30pm, found that my laptop on my table in my hostel's room had gone!!!

We were rush to the office and told the officers but they can do nothing. They were just writing a report and told us go to the police station to make a report. I know that our laptops can't be found.

All the room's doors were locked, just like normal but the thief still can came inside and took the laptops away. May be our door was easy to open. My friends told me that just had to use a card can opened the door easily.

If I'm finish download my stuff, I will keep my laptop in the locker. Unfortunately, it didn't. I just left my laptop on the table. I always be like that almost 1 years.

OMG... My long reports and Uni stuff all inside my laptop. All gone! Have to do it again. Worse is that my friend's laptop has the assignment which has to submit on the next day. He has to do the edition again until 3am.

What can I do? My laptop is COMPAQ PRESARIO V3040TU(left hand side is mine,right hand side is Dezmond one).

Mar 17, 2008

11月12日 感官的魅力者

Let see how's your personality on the birthday:


才华出众、天赋异禀(Agree with this)的他们,必须格外小心提防滥用自我驱策力的问题。他们在日常生活中创造"奇迹"的能力为自己刻了不少阿谀奉承,而在某些特别的情况下,他们的拥扩者还可能会将他们视为有如神一般伟大(Oh my god)。但这种英雄式的崇拜充其量只会助长他们反社会的人格倾向。相反地,心智成熟且精明干练的却能够善加运用自己的影响力,为周遭的人带来美好与启发(Is me)。大多数11月12日出生的人对自己的工作持毫无保留的使命感,使得他们整个人散发出一种独特非凡的优雅气质(Hehe),而其中担任公职的人极可能形成一股强劲、积极的政治力量。

11月12日出生的人来说,他们善、恶两面的性格冲突一直从未间断过,实际上,也会使其一生地纠缠着他们。虽然如此,今天出生的人还是可能会从前程似锦的青年时期,急趋直下至黯淡无光的成年期,经历明显的衰退堕落(Dangerous)。此外,这一天出生的人经常得面对一项个人的巨大挑战(I like challenge),那就是必须设法疏导自己狂暴不安的精力,并且进一步地认识自己。或许献身于某个相当值得的目标(Don't have life's target yet),将有助于他们发展出这样的能力。

创造或欣赏各种形式的美是11月12日出生的人主要兴趣之一(Not me),不管是从他们漂亮的小孩、艺术爱好、居家布置、身材外貌或是单纯的感觉抒发,都可以找到这项特征。然而,隐藏在这项追求美感冲动的背后,其实是某种更原始、无可抗拒的强烈吸引力量,驱使11月12日出生的人一路前进。它存在于他们火热的灵魂之中,借由外在黑暗力量重新铸成触动感官的化身,具体地出现在世上,转眼间变成他们的天堂与炼狱(Don't understand)

正因如此,对11月12日出生的人来谩骂,生活并非总是件容易简单的事(Right)。悲剧和不幸往往会无端莫名地令他们苦恼好几天、好几周,甚至也可能经年沉迷于一种忘形的快乐及刺激惊险的体验之中(Yup)。这时惟有透过自我的了解,才是他们平衡生活与控制这股力量的途径。如果他们有办法体认到自己身边充满了物质化的东西,其实是他们本身性格的一项产物,并坦然承担心灵上的责任,同时以一种具道德感的方式过生活的话(My Pendidikan Moral get A),他们便能够应付那些似乎老是缠着他们不放的负面力量。若非这样,他们永远都是自己难以掌控的力量下的牺牲者。


11月12日出生的人必须提防自己或吸引负面的能量。这一天出生的人与生俱来的魅力是如此地强烈(Wow),使得他们常常招致各式各样不必要的影响(Haha),也因此反而损害了自己的健康。同样地,当他们强大的心理反射力在现实世界具体出现后,可能会回过头来不断地纠缠、困扰他们。所以,他们的健康正是取决于是否能运用意志力去克制有害无益的行为及习惯。所有的药物,尤其是那些容易上瘾的(Anti-drug),都应该谨慎小心地处理。此外,11月12日出生的人还得避免盲目崇拜(Never),因为他们狂热的意识形态通常并非是一项正面的影响。即使如此,宗教与祈祷对这一天出生的人而言仍然相当重要,且对他们的身体健康有实质上的帮助(I see)




Mar 16, 2008

Answer for Cold Joke 冷笑话


很多人都选'虎', 你们
应该猜是'卧虎藏龙'吧...正确的答案是: 狼


是'wolf'藏龙... '卧虎'(wolf)藏龙
知道了吧... 不要打我哦!!!

Mar 12, 2008

为你写诗 (Write a poem for you)

This song 《为你写诗》 by Kenji 吴克群 is very nice to listen. Therefore, I introduce this to you. Hope you will like it.

Content of this MV is describe an University's student (like me) know that the girl like a boy that know to play piano well. Thus, he is determined to learn to play piano and prepare a song to present this to her to attract her attention.


為你寫詩 為你靜止
為你寫詩 為你靜止
我忘了說 最美的是你的名字


為你寫詩 為你靜止
為你寫詩 為你靜止
我忘了說 最美的是你的名字

為你寫詩 為你靜止
為你 我學會彈琴寫詞
為你寫詩 為你靜止
我忘了說 最美的是你的名字

我什都能忘記 但唯一不忘是你的名字
我什都能忘記 但唯一不忘是你的樣子
我什都能忘記 但唯一不忘是你的名字
我什都能忘記 但唯一不忘是你的樣子

Mar 11, 2008

New Watch

I bought a new watch in the early of this month. I bid it from the lelong website.
TAG HEUER CARRERA (Brad Pitt version)
Let we see the features of my watch. It is no battery needed for life because it has automatic movement. There are 3 sub-dials: 6 o'clock is the 24 hours GMT indicator, 9 o'clock is the day of the week and 12 o'clock is the month.

Mar 10, 2008

Cold Joke 冷笑话


Let's have a guess here!!! Select the answer in the poll on the left hand side of the blog. I will tell you the answer after the duration of the poll is end.

For those who know the answer, PLEASE don't tell here... Thanks!!!

Mar 4, 2008

Live Sports (Football) Online Streaming

Let's me introduce you all an alternative way(without TV) to watch live sports such as football, basketball, badminton, F1 and others through internet streaming. We can watch the football match in English Premier League, UEFA Champions League and the others. We also can watch basketball match like NBA. There is a website that provide us a schedules for all kind of sports -

I like to watch sports match like EPL, UEFA Champions League, badminton, F1. In addition, I am study in the University now, without a TV, life is boring!!! If we can't go out to watch, this is very suitable for us.

Just follow few simple steps, you can watch them live!!!
Firstly, we have to install this software Sopcast (recommend).

Click the 'Live Sports' tab, then click the 'TV' icon beside the channel that you want to watch.
Choose a station and Sopcast software. Select the bitrate (higher bitrate means better picture quality) that match your internet speed. Click the 'Play' link.Sopcast start to login.

Wait the channel buffering.

We can watch the live match after few seconds.

There is another website but I don't try this before - Live TV

Mar 2, 2008

UTeM 1st Jogathon

UTeM held the first ever Jogathon today. The distance of the Jogathon is 10km, from Industry Campus to Main Campus.

I woke up in the morning about 4am because can't slept well. My friends and I reached the Industry Campus at 7am. Then we registered at the counter and took the clothes with the number. There provided some cakes and mineral water to us. After we warm up, the Jogathon was began at 8am. 5 minutes after the girls category ran, the boys category started.

Got an Indian little boy runs faster than me. How come? A while later, the UTeM's professor, Mr. Tan past me. How come? People aged 7++ and 50++ also can run faster than me! On the way, I can't even saw my friends until nearly reached the destination. About 1 hours more, finally reached the UTeM's sports complex. I get no. 22!!! (in girls category). :p