May 27, 2008

Drama watching - 原来爱上贼

Recently, I watch this Hong Kong's drama series 原来爱上贼 (Catch Me Now). I like to watch this type of drama, the battle of strength and intelligent between police and thief. The thieves are not like the thief that are cruel and no humanity. They punish the rich guy who violate the law actually by robbed their money. A portion of the money they robbed is used to donate and help the people who is needed. The police trying to arrest them but they found that the thieves have the same objective with them. Finally, the thieves cant struggle against the law.一宗「犯贓款被劫案」中警探江揚(马德钟)碰上了賊魁高哲(刘松仁),由此揭開了兵賊斗法的序幕。在調查的過程中,江揚發現高哲並非想象中的窮凶極惡,相反高哲另有一套鋤強扶弱,劫富濟貧的俠義精神,沒有了警察面對的規限,有時高哲這賊魁甚至更能伸張正義。兵賊雖然誓不兩立,有時卻又殊途同歸,二人由仇敵到惺惺相惜,繼而發展出一段亦敵亦友的複雜關係……

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