Jun 28, 2008

Bad News

全球暖化、溫室效應對人類造成的顯著衝擊,可能在今年夏天就會看到。美國科學家指出,北極可能在今年夏天出現冰層完全融化的奇景,將是人類有史以來首見。Please save our earth!!!Further Information: Chinese English

My idol - Twins dismissed... So regrettable! I very like their songs... I listen their songs since I'm in secondary school. Always support them! Related article: TWINS.....真的沒有了......:(

Jun 24, 2008

Perak.FM (霹雳.FM) Online Listening

I want to introduce you all a very good online listening radio - 霹雳.FM
It is a Chinese songs based radio. Other than that, it also has some English songs and Thai songs.

1. Open WinAmp
2. Ctrl + L
3. Copy and paste
: http://radio.perak.org/listen.pls

1. Open Window Media Player
2.Ctrl + U
3. Copy and paste: http://radio.perak.org/listen.asx

1. Open Real One Player
2. Ctrl + O
3. Copy and paste: http://radio.perak.org/listen.ram

Other online streaming radio: FM

Jun 21, 2008

Bad Result

Finally, my last semester result released. So bad. That semester just got 3.28 GPA. CGPA also drop below 3.50 already. My result dropped every semester continuously. From 3.76 dropped until 3.48 now. :(

Jun 19, 2008


Recently, I always stay at home. Facing to my laptop... What I'm doing at home on weekdays? How about you?

TianJi OnlineDotaEuro 2008

Jun 14, 2008

Online Game Addicted

Recently, I addicted with this online game - TianJi(天机) Online. I played from the time I woke up until midnight, even got Euro's football match also didn't watch.
《天机Online》是一款瑰丽呈现中国古代庞大玄幻争霸史的3D MMORPG游戏。故事情节取材于上古炎黄之争及黄帝与蚩尤的神魔争霸,并由其引发的人、神、魔之间的玄幻之战。在充分提炼古中国神话和传说魅力并结合中 国几千年丰富历史文化的基础上,加入游戏制作者呕心沥血架构的社会人文环境和唯美梦幻的场景,上启远古、下至秦末,展现了如梦如幻史诗般的游戏氛围。所有 游戏故事背景从黄帝蚩尤之战后几千年开始,时间的轨迹恰好停留在了秦末……在游戏中玩家可以充分体味中国传统的文化内涵,神话传说的魅力,寓教于乐,让玩 家在一幕幕神秘绚丽的神话传说中感受中国博大精深的文化底蕴。

Jun 12, 2008

Help to Change The World

Donate the time your computer is turned on, but is idle, to projects that benefit humanity!
The Power of Sharing
What if each of the world’s estimated 650 million PCs could be linked to focus on humanity’s most pressing issues? World Community Grid--launched in November 2004 and dedicated to becoming the world’s largest public computing grid working on humanitarian research -- is making this dream a reality. This initiative allows hundreds of thousands of volunteers to donate unused PC time to researchers around the world. Progress on critical health issues, such as HIV/Aids, has already been achieved.

Grid Computing
Grid computing joins together many individual computers, creating a large system with massive computational power that far surpasses the power of several supercomputers. Because the work is split into small pieces that can be processed simultaneously, research time is reduced from years to months, or even days. The technology is also more cost-effective, enabling better use of critical funds.

World Community Grid projects include:
•FightAIDS@Home. (November 2005). Accelerates research to identify effective and inexpensive anti-HIV drugs. The first stage, which involved more than two quadrillion calculations, has been completed.
•Fiocruz Genome Comparison (November 2006) Provides researchers with improved cataloguing and annotation capabilities regarding complex gene sequencing data.
•Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy (December 2006) Will help researchers design molecules to inhibit or enhance binding of particular macromolecules, with the hope of finding better treatments for muscular dystrophy and other neuromuscular diseases.
•Help Defeat Cancer. (July 2006) Analyzes cancer tissue microarrays that will lead to a rich data base to help doctors diagnose, treat and provide more accurate prognoses for cancer patients.
•Human Proteome Folding Project 2. (June 2006) Holds great promise in uncovering the role of proteins and their impact on diseases such as malaria.

For more information, visit here: http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/
Let's become part of a community that is helping to change the world.

After install the software, go to the advanced view and click the preferences to adjust the settings. Better to choose 1 task/project to run because it will run the computer usage quite heavily. Your computer has to connect to the Internet in the same time. Click the image below to view my recommend settings.

Jun 6, 2008

Chinese e-Magazine 'Circle圆'

I want to introduce a Chinese e-magazine named Circle(圆). It is the first e-magazine ever in Malaysia. In my opinion, this magazine is very good to read. It introduce fashion, movie, artist, food, horoscope, sex, technology, contest and others. Go to the website and grab it... CIRCLE
Circle Mag的背景簡介

Circle Mag
誕生於21/11/2007,是大馬第一家網上雜誌的開山始祖。目前Circle Mag共出版了五期的月刊分別於2、3、4和5月份。Cicle Mag的成立是為了迎合二十一世紀網際網路的科技,引進國外網上閱讀雜誌的風氣並開拓大馬華人雜誌市場對網上雜誌的視野。

Circle Mag
的幕後團隊將有7人組成。隨著世界網際網路迅速的發展,這組年輕團隊秉持著冒險開拓的精神,堅定的信念,將自己的才華、創意、和經驗都投資在這本大馬第一 家網上雜誌,希望能為馬來西亞媒體事業增添不一樣的雜誌色彩,豐富馬來西亞的媒體業,帶領更多的馬來西亞讀者認識網上雜誌的盛行,並且追隨網路媒體的革新 創意。